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This  web-site contains anticipations of the Series (sudden changes, who dies, how it ends...). We suggest that you read only about series you already know or  that you think you won’t ever be able to see any more. To be honest there’s a lot of funny things to read around (from animation errors to voice over errors and things that are worth to be highlighted, unexplainable, silly and completely nuts like the “Shoguns’ Bastard! Count”) so come on give it a go anyway…

Also being this site is in Italian you can enjoy it the same because most of  the mistakes are linked with pictures that are highly self explaining.  Unluckly, all of voiceover errors that we refer to are obviously based on the Italian version.

If you need any explanation or else feel free to write it in the guest book or e-mail us. If we see that many foreign people visit our web site, Me, Zanin, may also be able to set up an “English mirror site”

So enjoy your ride!!



Added bloopers episodes 19-35

Added bloopers episodes 1-18

Added bloopers episodes 75-92

Added bloopers episodes 57-74



We are four friends joint, from a very long time, by Anime‘s passion, japanese cartoons.

We are born watching Mazinger and Gundam, attended junior school with Saint Seya and the high school reading Dragonball. It’s useless to mention that every cartoon we saw and every serie we followed while entertaining us also teached and helped us to grow up

 Our “Otaku Evenings” were born in the distant January 2000. One of us four (precisely Zanin) was able to obtain videotapes with the entire Devilman serie.  So one day, or better on a mythic wednesday evening, we gathered in my house (Geruge) and watched the first four episodes. We enjoined it so much that (each of us chose a demon nickname: Geruge, Zanin, Betra and Zoldover) we decided to carry on, first by finishing Devilman and then obtaining time by time new series of which we remembered something from seeing them when we were children. Shortly after, in November 2000, we had the idea of highlighting every mistake or funny thing that we noticed during the episodes and to write them down in a “Word file”.

 This web site is born with the same ingenuity and passion that drove us to re-watch every single one of this anime. We thought that it would have been fun and interesting to put all the funny e curios things we spotted in these series on the net, some of them we remembered being mythic or extremely scary (one over all: Bem) if seen with adult eyes became funny or absurd.

Some of these series ended up with having mythical mistakes (drawings, voice overs, storyline) that we could just not highlight (“Cashern‘ s Law; every co-starring person dies during the same episode in witch he appears; ”Devilman’s 20 minutes Law”; the very same blow that an instant ago was useless kills the enemy only cause the episode is near to ending...)     

  Obviously we insist in stating that by highlighting those mistake we don’t want to abuse any copyright (witch belongs to respective authors and producers) but only entertain episodes screeners, and why not, to demonstrate that an anime may be worth  watching also for funny things or big mistakes.






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