Transformers G1 Season 3





Bloopers and mistakes in the episodes


Episode66:Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1

  • At the end of the episode we note Dirge among the Decepticons, but, as we see during the episode, he had remained on Earth...

  • A great mistake! Cyclonus and the other Decepticons decide to go and rescue Galvatron. Among the crowd of robots, we see Galvatron himself who is enthusiastic about the idea that they are going to take it back !!! Terrible!

  • When Motormaster collapses, for giving the energon, next to him there is Hook, but in the next scene we see Dead end. (Note of AlediLeo and Kira)



  • In the final roundup of Decepticons we can also see an identical one to Starscream (who died in the movie). (Note of AlediLeo and Kira)

  • You can note in this episode the presence of Insekticons when they had already been regenerated as clones of Scourge by Unicron in Transformers - the movie  <Thanks to Iperbot's note>

Episode67:Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2

  • Horrible! We can see Frenzy of the same dimensions as Soundwave!

  • Immediately after, the Decepticons are drawn very bad (Soundwave and Frenzy are almost unrecognizable!)

Episode68:Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3

  • Among the Decepticons we see the 5 combacticons together with the same Bruticus (as big as a normal transformer)!!!

  • Shortly after we see an aerealbot among the Decepticons.

  • At the end of the episode we see the ghost of Starscream (a Decepticons with his features but totally white!)

  •  Shortly after there is an unidentified merger between Shockwave and a constructicon!

Episode69:Five Faces of Darkness: Part 4

  • At the beginning of the episode, we see a bunch of Decepticons randomly placed (a sort of Snarl is colored like Rodimus Prime and there is also a strange Grimlock, with a different head!).

  • Soon after, one of the aerealbots (again!) praises Galvatron!

  • Halfway through, a Decepticons similar to Starscream is colored like a combacticon. Also we see again two mergers between Shockwave and constructicon...

Episode70:Five Faces of Darkness: Part 5

  • Ultra Magnus getting punched by Ramjet but when the Decepticon crashes magically becomes Dirge...

  • Halfway through, we see Bumblebee among the ranks of the Autobots, but he had remained on Earth...

  • Question: what are the constructicons doing on Metroplex???

  • Unfortunately we see over and over again Blitzwing with the Autobots symbol!

  • Grimlock can be everywhere at once. In fact it is simultaneously both on Cybertron and on Earth...

Episode71:The Killing Jar


Episode73:Forever is a long time coming

  • Among the ranks of the Autobots we see Blurr and Blaster that instead should be in the portal...

  • Shortly thereafter we see Wheelie among the Autobots' prisoners in the dimensional portal (when he was not supposed to be there).

  • In fact, in the next image, the good Autobot disappears.

  • At the end of the episode, when Blaster and the others manage to escape from the portal, Wheelie is seen again... What a mess!

Episode74:Surprise party

  • At the beginning of the episode we see Swindol, one of the combacticons, colored as Hound.

  • Soon after, Bruticus retires together with the combacticons!!

  • In the final part of the episode, there are two Rodimus Prime!

  • Soon after, Sky lynx has the Decepticons logo in multiple shots!


  • At the end of the episode, the word 'destruct' is written 'destrut'.

Episode75:Madman's paradise

  • After Rewind deciphered the hieroglyphics, Perceptor is colored with a black head.

  • Daniel tries to free the magician in the worst possible way. He risks cutting the veins of his wrists with the laser dagger. It was definitely better to act directly on the tied cloth.

  • Daniel tries to move a large rock that blocks the entrance to a cave, but he can not. At that point appears Steeljaw, the lion of Blaster. Daniel hugs him. Immediately afterwards we see the rhiner Ramhorn that breaks through the boulder. But where does he appear? There was Steeljaw, not Ramhorn with Daniel. It is obvious that it was a script requirement derived from the fact that in that scene it was more important to show the rhino breaking through the wall, rather than the lion ...

Episode76:Carnage in C-Minor

  • Just at the beginning of the episode, Soundwave is as tall as Devastator!

  • Soon after we see Brawn (who died in the movie!) who shoots the Decepticons next to a constructicon (!!) and one of the 7 dwarfs ...

  • When Ultra Magnus and the other Autobots try to stop the asteroid, they are drawn super deformed (but not wanted!)

  • Just before forming Devastator, one of the constructicons has the symbol of Autobots.

  • After Perceptor fires at Devastator and disassembles it, Soundwave has the wheel in the bazooka (as if he were Perceptor himself).

  • Immediately afterwards, Broadside flaunts a beautiful Decepticons crest (but these Transformers change sides a little too fast) ...

  • Aaaaahhhhhh!! Horror and horror!!!! Soundwave and Galvatron fly holding hands!!!!!!! Can the strength of love defeat the Autobots??

  • But what face does Blaster has while is attached to Broadside (among other things, have chosen a convenient way to fly!)? It looks like a little monkey!

  • After the conversation between Allegra, Galvatron and Soundwave, the latter has the symbol of Autobots! It had already happened in the first series, It's really starting to become a habit!

  • During the fight between the constructicon and Defensor, near the latter we see Hot Spot, the leader of the protectobot!!

Episode77:Fight or Flee

  • At the beginning of the episode, one of the aerealbots becomes Superion when he shoots from the meteorite.

  • While Brawl shoots at Sandstorm, the backdrop behind the Decepticon changes from sky blue to stellar purple...


  • It seems a bit dubious choice to put Bruticus to check the monitor. But does he come in?? it would be better to use him in battle than to have him control the situation. We must also say that in this series Bruticus is often drawn to the size of a normal transformer...

  • While Bruticus talks to Galvatron, we see Headstrong and Brawl carrying the molecular cannon. It is impossible that there is Brawl out, since an instant before we saw Bruticus together with Galvatron...

  • Rodimus Prime gives orders to dead people! In fact, among the ranks of Autobots we see Wheeljack, Ratchet and Ironhide!!!

  • Soon after, Rodimus Prime has the Autobots symbol on the collar rather than on the chest.

  • When Galvatron and the other Decepticons ambush at Ultra Magnus & Co, Long haul is colored blue.

Episode78:Thief in the night

  • When Tripticon steals the building it is dark night but in the next frame it becomes full day.


  • Together with Galvatron and the other Decepticons flying, we see an Autobot not identified, even if it seems to be Beachcomber.

  • At the end of the episode, after Tripticon has sunk, among the Autobots shooting we see 3 Rodimus Prime, 2 Blurr and 2 more Perceptor...

Episode79:Starscream's ghost

  • One wonders what Octane was doing with that image of the Autobot woman at the beginning of the episode...

  • When Octane asks for protection from Sandstorm, the backdrop changes from trees and sky to stars...


Episode80:Ghost in the machine

  • When Starscream and Scourge steal the eyes of Metroplex, we see a Bumblebee of abnormal size. Bigfoot!

  • Scourge ascends to Astrotrain by osmosis. Completely wrong the door!

  • When the protectobots shoot at Astrotrain-spaceship, Hot Spot is drawn with the mouth, when instead it has the mask like Optimus Prime!


  • During the Scourge attack on Sky lynx, the latter again has the symbol of Decepticons! But it's about vices!


Episode82:The dweller in the depths

  • During the attack of the Autobots at the giant worm, we see the double of Optimus Prime!

Episode83:Nightmare Planet

  • In this episode, Rodimus Prime often has red eyes. Conjunctivitis..?

Episode84:The ultimate weapon

  • Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus are huge! They have houses in front of them very small!! They are not Autobots, they are Megaborg...

  • When Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus (in car version) reach the Decepticons, they are colored in one way, but when they turn into robots they return to their classic color. How is it possible? Also, if they were colored differently to go unnoticed in the eyes of the Decepticons on guard, it was not convenient even to get rid of the symbol of Autobots and maybe avoid putting Daniel at the wheel? Who knows why the Decepticons do not fall into the disguise...

  • Spike and Daniel escape from Trypticon with a bag. From one scene to the next, the bag disappears and reappears from Spike's hands! A mage? Or had he forgotten it?


  • Just at the end of the episode, we see a Rodimus Prime drawn without the mouth...

Episode85:The big broadcast of 2006

  • During the clash between Sky lynx and Astrotrain, the latter looks as big as the Autobot. Exaggerated as mass shifting!

  • Soundwave comes out of Blast off with a mass shifting as hell. How did he stay there, considering he was turned into robots and not into stereo?

Episode86:The Quintesson Journal

  • Ahi ahi, l’ennesima volta in cui Argo/Sky lynx ha il simbolo dei Distructors/Decepticons...

  • Mentre Argo/Sky lynx combatte contro Predaking, il fondale cambia da cielo a stellare e poi di nuovo cielo.


  • Gli ambasciatori dei due popoli ci vanno pesante. Uno dei due afferma: “La fine di quei CANI BASTARDI è molto vicina!”

  • Lo stemma che in una scena Galvatron sfoggia sul petto è un po’ strano. Sembra una via di mezzo tra quello Autorobot e quello Distructor!

  • Argo/Sky lynx si trasforma in astronave solamente dalla versione Lince. La cosa è impossibile, visto che per diventare astronave serve anche il componente superiore, ovvero lo pterodattilo!

  • Quando Argo/Sky lynx irrompe nella base sfondando la parete, vediamo l’esplosione ma non il buco dal quale passa. Come fa? Osmosi??

Episode87:Only human

  • Special guest della puntata: Il comandante Cobra direttamente dai G.I.Joe!!!

  • Quando Captain/Rodimus Prime in versione umano scappa e viene ferito al braccio, il taschino della sua tuta appare e scompare.


  • Nella scena in cui Captain/Rodimus Prime e la ragazza bionda entrano in casa, c’è un errore di sfondo. In una scena, vediamo i due oltrepassare una porta e ritrovarsi in un corridoio (chiuso) ma nell’immagine dopo, quando oltrepassano un’altra porta, si vede il cielo dietro di loro, anziché il corridoio stesso!


  • Nella parte finale dell’Episode, il cielo cambia svariate volte da notte a giorno e viceversa!


  • Captain/Rodimus Prime (umano) salta sulla scrivania ma il piede gli si fonde col bordo!

  • Nella scena finale, quando Radiorobot/Blaster vede Bora/Springer sparare in versione elicottero, i raggi escono direttamente dal monitor e vanno a finire sulla tastiera del computer! Com’è possibile?? Alla faccia dell’effetto tridimensionale! (lo stesso Radiorobot/Blaster pare spaventato)

Episode88:Grimlock's new brain

  • Quando Captain/Rodimus Prime, Supervista/Perceptor e Tiran/Grimlock si trovano davanti a Teletran 2, da una scena all’altra il monitor cambia dimensioni diventando magicamente grande come l’intero fondale!


Episode89:Money is everything

  • Nella scena in cui Computron inizia ad analizzare tutti i dati sui Distructors/Decepticons e Quintessenziani, il braccio sinistro del robot risulta sospeso per aria!!

  • Poco dopo, durante la cena tra il capitano Marissa Fairborn e Manus, la ragazza ha prima i capelli biondi e poi le tornano castani. Se li è tinti da una scena all’altra??


Episode90:Call of the primitives

  • Nota: Tyran riesce a volare sotto forma di dinosauro. E’ possibile? Come robot lo si era già visto ma come dinosauro no.

Episode91:The face of the Nijika

  • Dopo che Convoy/Ultra Magnus e Captain/Rodimus Prime lasciano Flash/Blurr, il piede di uno dei barbari è sospeso nello sfondo. In conseguenza di ciò, Flash/Blurr sembra grande quanto un nanetto…

  • Vediamo la folla agitata bruciare delle picche con delle teste (o pupazzi che le raffigurano) di Quintessenziani e poi tra la folla, vediamo proprio Ciclone assieme ad un Quintessenziano. Non è un po’ pericoloso stare lì in mezzo?

Episode92:The burden hardest to bear

  • Nota: Bruticus viene chiamato Multiforce

  • Dopo l’incidente, vediamo Captain/Rodimus Prime, privo della matrice, trasformato in auto con il rimorchio. Com’è possibile? Non dovrebbe averlo!

  • Poco dopo, uno degli stunticon sfoggia il simbolo degli Autorobots/Autobots!

  • A metà Episode, vediamo Bruticus e Devastator piccolissimi. Inoltre Devastator è colorato di giallo anziché verde.

Episode93:Dark awakening

Episode94:The return of Optimus Prime: Part 1

  • Proprio a inizio puntata, com’è possibile che l’uomo e la donna riescano a portare via Commander/Optimus Prime a mani nude? Ok, sono in assenza di gravità, ma l’Autorobot sembra ben ancorato al posto di comando e non pare proprio essere leggerissimo. Tra l’altro, nell’Episode precedente, abbiamo visto Commander/Optimus Prime privo di un  braccio, un occhio e tutto ammaccato, schiantarsi contro il pianetucolo dei Quintessenziani. Come mai adesso è perfettamente intatto e seduto nella navicella (che invece doveva essere esplosa assieme a lui)?

  • Dopo l’intervento chirurgico su Jessica, vediamo Swindle all’ospedale, assieme ai Protectobot!

  • Il rimorchio di Convoy/Ultra Magnus dovrebbe essere aperto e invece lo vediamo chiuso.

  • Quando Stridek/Ratbat torna da Memor/Soundwave, la faccia di quest’ultimo si muove, ma la bocca rimane sospesa per aria!


  • Un errore ormai classico: Bruticus alto quanto gli stunticons…

Episode95:The return of Optimus Prime: Part 2

  • Ahi ahi, Commander/Optimus Prime, privo di matrice, ha il rimorchio. Non dovrebbe essere così…

  • Nota: assistiamo alla nascita di Goldbug, ovvero la versione ricostruita di Maggiolino/Bumblebee (che nel fumetto viene chiamata Wagenbot).

  • Terribile, quando Galvatron viene afferrato da Commander/Optimus Prime, quest’ultimo ha lo stemma dei Distructors/Decepticons!! Proprio lui, il capo degli Autorobots/Autobots. Che tristezza…

  • Dopo lo scontro con Commander/Optimus Prime, Captain/Rodimus Prime si allontana in versione auto, volando sul nulla…

  • A fine puntata, Commander/Optimus Prime viene colorato di grigio, poi di nuovo normale e poi ancora di grigio…



E per finire, una breve, ma intensa rassegna di come sono stati doppiati alcuni episodi della serie e di quali voci sono state affibbiate ai protagonisti. Cosa si prova a sentire un robot parlare con cadenza francese e dialetti di ogni genere? Date un'occhiata e lo scoprirete... :)




comment or report further errors in the series that we have missed!